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Meters the air flow through the passage to and into the needle jet. It acts as a fine tuning component in regulating the fuel-air mixture. This is especially important when a bleed type needle jet is used.
Applications: VM26 thru VM44 spigot carburetor, RS, TM, VM29/VM33 Smoothbore.
Total length of 7.5mm with a 4mm outside diameter of the thread.
Jet Type Air Jet
Jet Series BS30/97
Made of Brass
Sold Individually
Made in Japan
Applications: VM26 thru VM44 spigot carburetor, RS, TM, VM29/VM33 Smoothbore.
Total length of 7.5mm with a 4mm outside diameter of the thread.
Jet Type Air Jet
Jet Series BS30/97
Made of Brass
Sold Individually
Made in Japan